Using The Fibonacci Sequence To Help Children Understand Evolution and The World Around Them

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On October 15, 2018, Posted by , In OSE Updates, By , , With No Comments

Image result for fibonacci sequence

Omaha Stem Ecosystem is excited to share with everyone a free educational resource from @Scifri that we helped make a reality! The resource focuses on the evolution and the Fibonacci sequence by measuring x-rays of different organisms. Check out how our organisms are helping educate kids everywhere!

Check out x-rays of some of our wonderful animals while learning about the mathematical patterns in their fingers! Explore evolution and mathematics in this free classroom resource from @scifri:

Ooo la la, @scifri has featured the beautiful bones of one of our animals! Use our x-rays to hunt for the Fibonacci sequence in the hand bones of vertebrates in this free @scifri classroom resource:


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