OSE Success Evaluation Report White Paper

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Theory of Success

Created for Omaha STEM Ecosystem

August 2021

By Garret Higginbotham and Heather Daubert

Through our partnership with University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO), we get the opportunity to work with many students. This semester we had the honor to work with two Doctoral students from UNO, Garret Higginbotham and Heather Daubert. They focused their Education Dissertation on the Theory of Success for the Omaha STEM Ecosystem. “The collective voice of all stakeholder groups concludes that through Networking, Collaboration, Diverse Opportunities, and Community Awareness, OSE will foster success by bringing people to the organization, holding them active, growing the participation and producing opportunities which support the pipeline”. We appreciate all the work that our community partners do to help advance the STEM community in Omaha. To read the whole report click here.

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