ICAN Conference: Rising Stronger Within Omaha’s Digital Landscape

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On June 21, 2022, Posted by , In OSE Updates, By ,, , With No Comments

ICAN Conference Breakout Session

Rising Stronger Within Omaha’s Digital Landscape

A healthy vibrant community depends on a skilled and growing workforce. In an effort to help close the talent gap within the Omaha community. The STEM Community Platform was established to combine Omaha’s STEM resources in one convenient location. Employees, students, educators and corporate  leaders alike can connect with greater ease with the programs and resources needed to facilitate efficient and effective career pathways. Join Kandace Miller and Julie Sigmon to learn of this exciting new collaboration, and their plans for helping Omaha meet the challenges of a new talent landscape.

Click this link to watch the whole presentation from the ICAN Conference Breakout Session.

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