The CodeCrush Summit

June 12, 2018 6:00 pm - June 13, 2018 3:15 pm

The CodeCrush Summit is a yearly gathering of individuals championing for diversity in the tech workforce and celebrates the amazing community that supports women in IT. This year, it will feature keynote speaker Jessica Zhang. She received her master’s degree in Management Information Systems at IS&T and has an illustrious career that spans from Zynga to Slack. This year’s Summit will also include building your own mini-computer and learning about how to become an authentic leader.

It’s free for high schoolers, IS&T community members (current student and faculty/staff), and school teachers. If you’re from outside the Omaha metro they can put you up in a hotel room, all you have to do is register.

You can read more about Jessica here:

You can also find more information here: