Whats Up?
Mallory Kountze Planetarium, Durham Science Center, 6601 University Dr N, Omaha, NE 68182 These programs feature seasonal constellations, mythology and star patterns that are visible during the current season. Discussion includes our Sun, Moon, and other planets. Additional topics may include active spacecraft operating within our solar system. First showing…
Do Space 2018 Summer Kickoff
Come explore all that Do Space has to offer! https://www.dospace.org/event/do-space-2018-summer-kickoff/
Evening Yoga on the Plaza
Join for an hour-long vinyasa style yoga class, surrounded by nature, designed to de-stress and relax you. This class is accessible for all levels of yogis, from beginner to experienced, and will feature the sounds of the forest as your soundtrack as you move towards complete wellness. A meditative walk…
Keep Omaha Beautiful Spring Cleanup
Omaha Gives Cleanup: Elmwood Park [802 S 60th St] You can also find more locations: https://www.dogis.org/springcleanup/. To find out more information: http://www.keepomahabeautiful.org/what-we-do/programs/omahaspringcleanup.html, http://omahastem.com/keep-omaha-beautiful-spring-cleanup/.
Intro to UX (Wait, What is UX?)
Bianca Zongrone, a UX Designer at FCSAmerica, will present on UX. For more information: https://www.meetup.com/witheartland/?_xtd=gatlbWFpbF9jbGlja9oAJDEzZWQ5YTk4LWQ3MGUtNGM2MS05YjA2LWQyZjU1ZGFkMzQ1Mw
Family Nature Club
Family Nature Club will focus on the countless sensory experiences of nature. Help your child build a lifelong love of nature, science, and learning! Children will engage in hands-on activities and explorations while learning scientific concepts and building their understanding of the natural world. These 45 minute family-friendly nature classes are…
Yoga in the Aquarium
Strike a pose at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium’s one-of-a-kind class – Yoga in the Aquarium! Yoga in the Aquarium classes will take place inside the Scott Aquarium Conference Center. Guests will be able to take in the beauty and serenity of the Aquarium while exercising their body and imagination through yoga….
Great Plains Additive Manufacturing Symposium and Open House
Thursday May 17, 2018 Symposium: 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. / OPEN HOUSE: 3:30 – 5 p.m. Location: Walter Scott Engineering Center, UNL Attend the Open House and the first Great Plains Additive Manufacturing Symposium, featuring the NEAT Labs’ state-of-the-art hybrid metal additive manufacturing systems and industry experts. For more…
3D Design Basics
Learn the basics of 3D design with 3D SketchUp, a beginner-friendly 3D design software, by downloading and modifying existing designs and creating your own designs. Basic keyboarding and mouse computer skills required. For more information: https://www.dospace.org/event/3d-design-basics/
Mud Pies: Fish Tales
Looking for a unique setting in which to have fun with your child while learning about the natural world? Mud Pies is a relaxed, drop-in-and-play program that encourages interaction between adult and child. Each week, a natural science topic is explored through station-based activities, free play, and a guided walk….