Science is Cool Virtual Unconference with Neil deGrasse Tyson!
Yes, we’re serious. And no, we can’t believe it either! ScIC2 “Science is Cool” virtual unconference is hosting a live edition of StarTalk: Cosmic Queries with Neil deGrasse Tyson and his comic co-host Chuck Nice. This keynote event will begin at 9 a.m. PT on Thursday, May 21, during the…
The ROVS of Deep-Ocean Exploration with the Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration (webinar)
Join GFOE engineers Chris Ritter and Bobby Mohr for a presentation on the engineering behind remotely operated vehicles Deep Discoverer and Seirios Webinar Speakers Bobby Mohr (Electrical Engineer @Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration) Bobby Mohr is a Systems/Robotics Engineer, specializing in autonomous and remotely operated underwater vehicles. He holds a…
Holland Academy of Excellence–University of Nebraska at Omaha–**Last day to apply***
This unique program was established as an initiative to actively engage high school students who excel academically and have an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Math, and Science). Approximately 40 high school students are selected each year from Nebraska to attend the Holland Academy of Excellence. Thanks to the generous…
Nebraska Tech Collaborative Virtual Meet-Up
Join us for a virtual meet-up as NTC member TECHTONIC shares information on their new Omaha office and creating software engineer apprenticeships. Register here
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies-Birding Webinars
Songbirds Part II Register here
City Nature Challenge 2020
Join Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium on April 24-27, 2020, for a Nature Break. A once friendly competition, the City Nature Challenge 2020: Omaha Metro is now focusing on embracing the healing power of nature and encouraging the collaborate aspect of urban biodiversity. The international community will join in…
Play is a Powerful Teacher Webinar by Sphero
At Sphero, we believe that play is a powerful teacher. In this 45 minute webinar, you’ll learn how play and inquiry-based learning puts students’ questions, ideas and observations at the center of their learning experiences. You’ll learn how Sphero promotes play-based learning to boost engagement and motivation in students of…
Science on a Sphere Facebook Live Stream with MCC
Join us on Friday, April 17, 5-5:30 p.m., on our Facebook page for a special Science on a Sphere Livestream event! Explore the oceans below and travel deep into the ocean where some creatures have never seen the sunlight. Don’t be afraid, you will have a crew and guide to…
Underwater Filmmaking Webinar with Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration
To help teachers and parents with online learning, the Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration has designed online modules for middle and high school students that include ocean facts, amazing videos, interviews with career professionals, selected short essays, and critical thinking questions to stimulate discussion. If you are looking for quality,…
STEMconnector K-12 Virtual Learning Resources Webinar
Join Us to Learn How to Access More K-12 Virtual Learning Resources from Across the STEMconnector Network While this is a challenging time for businesses, families, and individuals, particularly those who are now homeschooling their children while in many cases working remotely themselves, many of STEMconnector’s members have resources available…