- 2626.February.Friday
Managing with Purpose Virtual Course-Iowa Western Continuing Ed
Improve your team Leadership skills!
This course is designed to INSPIRE and EMPOWER your team by
advancing your people management skills in the area of:
Influencing Productive Conflict
Feedback AccountabilityFour, 2-hour virtual modules:
Feb. 26th, Mar. 5th, Mar. 12th, & Mar. 19th, 2021 2pm—4pm
Via Zoom
$299, which includes the Everything DiSC Management ® AssessmentCarol Horner is the founder of Synchronicity, Inc. which is known for helping companies and organizations come together with their employees, teams and leaders to be “in synch” with one another! Carol is also the author of Spiral of Accountability which will be published this year!
You won’t want to miss this!Register here
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